Customer Testimonials

  • Easy and straightforward to set-up, the new storage containers inside the secure barns have been excellent extra space for us. The ability to gain access 24hrs 7 days a week gives us great flexibility and is so close at hand – the team at Hall & Burge have been helpful and always at hand when needed.

    Andy P Domestic Customer, Winchester
  • We are a business based in Romsey with a huge storage requirement. We have been storing our stock with Sam at Hall and Burge for 4 years now and are very impressed with the service.  Sam is always very friendly, very flexible and ready to help.

    Helga Hale Operations Manager, Watermill Wines
  • We have been delighted with the service at Hall and Burge Storage since we moved from a large chain provider. The units themselves and access has been great, and the owners are friendly and welcoming and have been hugely helpful. We have had 3 units over the years and have always been happy with quality and security at the unit. I would highly recommend Hall and Burge Storage.

    Chris Rees Event Organiser, ReesLeisure
  • We have utilised Hall and Burge Storage for the last year whilst building a new home.  The storage units are all of excellent quality with good security. We have always found Sam and the rest of the team to be very friendly and accommodating.

    Mark Castle Headbourne Worthy
  • We require secure storage which is accessible 24/7 and have found Hall and Burge offer the best rates in the Winchester area.

    Mathew Boyce Director, Cybermo IT Ltd
  • Excellent service, with friendly helpful staff.  The containers are easily accessible and clean and modern, and the site is well lit with impressive security.

    Paul Haycock Domestic Customer, Winchester